Thank you, Camden Volunteers!

The Urban Airshed Reforestation Program (UARP) would like to thank the 375+ volunteers that made a difference planting trees in Camden this season!

AmeriCorps NCCC volunteers planted trees with NJTF throughout October!
"There's something worthwhile in planting a tree in front of your home, with your children, and watching that tree grow." - Carrie Sargaent, Heart of Camden
There's a job for everyone at a tree planting!

The NJ Tree Foundation planted 120 new trees and over 380 shrubs/perennials in Camden through the UARP during fall 2010 with help from:

Alliance of United Culture at Rowan University, AmeriCorps NCCC, AmeriCorps Watershed Ambassadors, Bank of America, Camden ISP, Citizens Bank, the Cramer Hill CDC, Holy Name Church, Impact100 Philadelphia, One Day Matters, RadioONE, the Romero Center, Rutgers-Camden, Rutgers PIRG, Stockton College Water Watch/Energy Corps, Temple University Community Service Association, Unitarian Universalist Church in Cherry Hill, and of course — Camden’s residents and tree recipients!

To join hands with dedicated volunteers, visit: