Spotlight on Audrey Snyder: Founder of Wood for Good

Audrey Snyder is not your average 17 year old girl! In 2011, she started her own non-profit organization dedicated to raising funds for local charities by splitting and selling firewood. Wood for Good operates in Tewksbury, NJ and donates proceeds from the sales of their firewood to 11 charities, including the Brady Life Camp, the Tewksbury Land Trust and the Tewksbury Rescue Squad. “Charity starts at home…Wood for Good was established because we wanted to give back to a community that has given us so much,” explains Audrey in the Wood for Good mission statement.

This month, Wood for Good will be selling trees and donating proceeds to local charities through Mission: Arbor Day. The NJ Tree Foundation is proud to be a partner in this effort, providing 200 trees of four varieties to be sold to local residents.

For more information, or to support Wood for Good, please visit their website.