Newark’s 1st Community Plant Swap

Join us at Washington Park on Saturday, September 8th for Newark’s 1st community Plant Swap event. The NJ Tree Foundation has partnered with the Washington Commons Conservancy, Trust for Public Land and Greater Newark Conservancy to organize an event for gardeners and folks looking to grow a green thumb. Bring a plant from your yard to trade in for something new!

There will be educational workshops on transplanting, seed harvesting, native plants and beekeeping – all free! This event is open to all residents and friends from the surrounding communities. The event begins at 1pm and will end with a plant swap at 3pm. There will even be a table with some freebie plants for all of the new gardeners! Come and enjoy a Saturday with us in one of Newark’s beautiful and historic downtown parks and get to know your gardening community!

Together, we can grow a greener Newark!