Donations Make a Difference!

NJTF would like to thank United Water Camden, LLC (UWC) and MAFCO Worldwide Corporation for their consistent support of the Urban Airshed Reforestation Program (UARP) in Camden!

UWC donates equipment and an operator to offload UARP trees during spring and fall tree plantings in Camden. That's a $5,000-8,000 donation every year!
UWC's operators are skilled, professional, and a pleasure to work with! Special thanks to operators Kenny and Tito.
Guy Dietrich of MAFCO hand-delivers mulch at UARP tree planting events. MAFCO's donation saves NJTF about $2,000 a year, as they donate one bag of mulch for every new tree we plant!

How can others help? You can support the NJ Tree Foundation by volunteering or making a donation! To access the Camden UARP page, please visit: