Asbury Park Tree Planting with American Forests

This fall the NJ Tree Foundation, in partnership with American Forests and Asbury Park,  will plant street trees in the city. Over 100 trees are available for planting between the curb and sidewalk. Each tree will be 12-14 tall. Only small growing, ornamental trees will be planted under utility wires.

American Forests, the oldest national conservation non-profit in the country, has contracted with the NJ Tree Foundation to plant street trees in Asbury Park under their Global ReLeaf Program.  There are MANY social and environmental benefits to planting trees!

Benefits of trees:
Trees provide clean oxygen and naturally filter water.
Trees increase property the value by 5 – 17%.
An increase in urban vegetation reduces crime rates!
Trees reduce temperatures in cities by up to 10°F.
Time spent near trees reduces stress!
If you would like a free 12-14 foot tree, planted in the space between the curb & sidewalk, please send your name, address and email address to:, or call 505-609-8032 and leave the above information on voice mail. Please tell us if there are overhead utility wires on your side of the street. If you are a renter, please ask your landlord if a tree may be planted at your home. 
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