ArborJet will Treat 40 Ash trees in our 9/11 Grove of Remembrance!

Date: May 19, 2016 at 10:30AM in our Grove of Remembrance, Liberty State Park, Jersey City, NJ

More than 40 ash trees overlooking the Statue of Liberty will receive environmentally sound, trunk injection treatments against the highly destructive and invasive Emerald Ash Borer, currently threatening the New Jersey’s ash trees. Media, residents and local arborists are invited to attend and watch a demonstration of the treatment process, learn more about the options available to both homeowners and municipalities which can save their ash trees, and observe the beauty and value these trees bring to the city, its parks, and neighborhoods.

Arborjet has donated these treatments with Almstead Tree & Shrub Care Company providing the labor at no cost to protect 41 stately ash trees in our Grove of Remembrance, New Jersey’s Living Memorial to the state’s victims of the September 11th attacks.
