Announcing New Supporters

The NJ Tree Foundation is very excited to announce several new supporters for our 2014-2015 fiscal year. We have recently received grants from the following agencies:

  • The Environmental Endowment of New Jersey is supporting our Newark Renaissance Trees Program to improve the Passaic watershed through street tree plantings and resident education.
  • The MKM Foundation has committed to funding our Camden Urban Airshed Reforestation Program for two years!
  • Alliance for Community Trees has provided funding for three TD Tree Day events. These events will reforest parks in Camden City, Neptune City, and Jersey City’s Liberty State Park.
  • The Campbell Soup Foundation is supporting street and fruit tree plantings in Camden City and educational workshops for our fruit tree farmers.
  •  New Jersey American Water has provided funding for our Camden TreeKeepers workshops and a street tree planting in East Camden.
  • Prudential Financial, Inc. has provided funding for street tree plantings in Newark City through our Newark Renaissance Trees Program.
  • The William Penn Foundation is supporting street tree plantings along the Circuit Trail Network in Camden as well as resident education on the impact of trees on watersheds.
  • Adventure Aquarium in Camden is sponsoring a street tree planting to beautify the North Camden neighborhood.

We look forward to working with fantastic partners to make this year’s projects successful. Thank you to our funders for your commitment to improving New Jersey communities with tree plantings!

NJTF_Camden_Liney Ditch DemoTD Tree Day volunteers from 2013 watch and learn during a tree planting demonstration.