
The NJ Tree Foundation has planted trees in New Jersey since 1998, starting with a free tree seedling giveaway to celebrate Arbor Day. In 2002, the organization started the Urban Airshed Reforestation Program to plant large trees, ten feet or taller, with residents in the City of Camden. In 2003 the Tree Foundation designed and planted New Jersey’s Living Memorial – A Grove of Remembrance to commemorate the NJ lives lost on September 11, 2001. The organization expanded in 2006, creating the Renaissance Trees Program (Newark-based) and Green Streets Program, which hires and trains men under parole supervision to plant and maintain trees and green infrastructure projects. Today, the NJ Tree Foundation continues its Green Streets Program and community-based planting events in Camden and Newark and works in other cities as funding allows. Other major and ongoing programs/projects include maintaining the Grove of Remembrance at Liberty State Park, planting and maintaining Memorial Trees, and public education about urban forestry.

Read about our first community-based tree planting: Camden Tree Planting fall 2001

Archived Program: Celebrate Arbor Day